The Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFGA) is innovative piece of legislation, developed by the Welsh Government (WG) with the aim of supporting Wales in the transition towards a more sustainable society. With the WG being an important project partner in SUSPLACE, prof. Ina Horlings invited Matthew Quinn for a visit to the Netherlands in May of this year. Quinn has extensive experience as a civil servant working for WG and is currently affiliated to the Sustainable Places Research Institute of Cardiff University (another SUSPLACE partner).
In a research seminar at the Department of Spatial Planning of the Groningen University, Quinn reflected on how the WFGA was received and can be understood from a theoretical perspective. Find a full report of the seminar on the Spatial Sciences Research blog of the Groningen University.
In addition, Horlings and Quinn shared insights derived from SUSPLACE on theory and methods for place-based research during a staff seminar at the same department.
To read more about Wales and the WFGA, check also Lorena Axinte’s blogs on her research in the Cardiff Capital Region.